Thursday, September 17, 2009


Sun in Capricorn
(The Sun is in Capricorn from approximately December 22 to January 19, depending on the year).
Capricorn is a feet-on-the-ground, eye-on-the-prize sign. Those with Sun in Capricorn have a realistic, grounded approach to life that can be seen no matter how dreamy the rest of the birth chart suggests. These people know how to do things, and to get things done.
Some Capricorns naturally turn their backs on things they deem too frivolous. They are very much concerned with things that are worthwhile—and that includes their own lives. Capricorns want to do and be something worthwhile. Like their Earth signs relatives, Taurus and Virgo, they need to feel useful and effective in the real world in order to be satisfied with their lives. But the Capricorn spin on the earth signs is that Capricorn possesses a stronger need for recognition in a worldly sense. They have a strong sense of society and its framework, and they feel most secure when they feel they are doing their part within that framework.
Capricorns like to pare things down, and take pleasure in the simple things in life. However, many are attracted to status symbols and these ones will wear the best clothes (tasteful ones!) and drive quietly impressive cars.
Comparing Capricorns to their symbol, the goat, brings up some interesting analogies. Solar Capricorns can see into the future, and plan for it. They don't mind taking things slowly, but they absolutely aim to get to the top of the mountain in life! They make their way steadily and sure-footedly; and their strength and singleness of purpose are admirable.
Capricorns can sometimes be rather lonely people, although they rarely let it show. They are often a little reserved—even standoffish. This is generally because they value all things practical, and they'll seldom wear their emotions on their sleeves, unless they have a particularly flamboyant Moon sign.
This is a sign that is surely the most resourceful of the zodiac. To some, Capricorns come across as unimaginative, but they can be enormously creative when it comes to the material world. They are generally very capable people with a strong sense of tradition and responsibility.
Many Capricorns have mastered the art of making people laugh. Their sense of humor can be of the deadpan variety—they're generally excellent at keeping a straight face. They can be bitingly sarcastic, too.
Capricorns are not known for taking too many risks in life. They value the beaten track and things "tried and true". This is not to say they are stick-in-the-muds — they simply value the hard work laid down by those who've been around before them.
Turn to your Capricorn friends for help when you need to really get things done. They'll have practical advice, and they'll help you organize and manage your life a little better. Capricorns are generally good with their "word", dependable, and rather loyal people.

lonely &

ni la ari yg plg d nnti2..mlm ni dpt blk twu da..insyaallah dpt smpai ngn slmat..
sgt2 rndu ngn family n skg ni sdey, cuz masi d hostel lg sdgkn smua kwn da blk..
hukhuk..i'm lonely n kamu blk..jht ba tngglkn aku sndri..
to dyg,em..x smpat kt jmpa kn yang sblm ko blk..msk 3 kali da raya tp x prnh kt braya sma2..
malar ja ko blk kmpg..klu shopping d kl nnti,klu sudi cari2kn la tdg yuna yer..hehe..
neway,ampun maaf d pnta if aku byk wat slh ma ko..if tkasar,t'umpat or watever la yg wat ko trasa ngn aku..thnkz ya ari2 msk sayur tuk kt skali ja kt bbuka sma2 kn yang..
em,ko phm2 la keadaanku cmna..tuk fitri raihana,sory jrg da x p blkmu online..smua laptop pnya psl la ni..nnti p rmh ya..dkt jak rmh kt 2..ampun maaf d pnta la jgk if aku jht2 ngn ko..tksr,t'umpat..ter apa2 my clssmate,slmt ari raya in advance..

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

love life..

Never regret something that once made you smile.Yes, the past can hurt but the way I see it you can either run from it or learn from it.You shouldn't regret anything that you say, because it was what you were feeling at the moment.What I like about experience is that it is such an honest thing.If I could take it all back I wouldn't. Don't live in regret.Take chances. Tell the truth. Date someone totally wrong for you. Say no. Spend all your cash! Fall in love. Get to know someone random. Be random. Say I love you. Sing out loud. Laugh at a stupid joke. Cry. Get revenge. Apologize. Tell someone how much they mean to you. Tell the asshole what you feel. Let someone know what they're missing. Laugh til your stomach hurts. LIVE LIFE!Life is all about risks and it requires you to jump. Don't be a person who has to look back and wonder what they would have or could have had. No one waits forever.So I made a big mistake try to see it once my way.